Stop hiding. 

Stop playing small.

Stop pretending to be ok when you're not. 

No more little girl pleaser to be loved.

You are WOMAN.

Powerful. Bold. Courageous and READY. 

Ready for impact, for aliveness, for feeling glorious and in charge.

Here's the secret, love: The woman you want to be is actually inside of you. 

She's just been buried under everyone else's expectations and needs. 

Under pain and desire to be loved. You were born into a way of life. But you get to rebirth into the life you crave.

What Women Are Saying...

  • D.F.

    Rebirth has encouraged me to come out of my shell and show up. I'm evolving.

  • A.C.

    Carin, it has been nothing short of amazing! Thank you for creating and offering this!

  • A.F.

    I really enjoyed the recordings and journal prompts to move forward in this rebirth process. Thank you Carin Rockind and team and all!

Here's What You'll Get

  • Day 1: Freedom (The Woman You WANT to Be)

  • Day 2: Shedding (Death)

  • Day 3: REBIRTH (Claiming and Naming)

  • PLUS... A Bonus Call!

  • And, a guided meditation on Day 1 and Day 2!

This is not a “program.” It’s a Promise.

A Promise to yourself to never play small again.

A Promise to Become who you’ve always wanted to be.

And a Promise to the world to claim your rightful throne now.

So welcome, you Wise Wild WOMAN.  

What Women Are Saying...

  • S.B.

    Wow! This was so incredible. I saw myself straight away as the door opened and I felt so safe and excited to realize it is me in my Goddess energy. Fully turned on and alive right here and now. I got the words that "I am divine spirit."

  • M.Z.

    So powerful and it touched me! Sharing about personal life helps us women more than anything. You are the most selfless person and relatable, and who truly wants to make women feel their best and find their inner strength and power! I am beyond grateful! XOXOXO

  • D.D.

    This has been the hugest gift to myself !!!! Wow! I can be all of the different things I had wanted to be and envisioned. You touch upon topics that normalize it all for us women!!! I could go on & on how you've helped & how your generosity gifted us all with this experience. I am so very grateful for your knowledge, passion, and generosity. I feel empowered, like there are things now I can do moving forward without second guessing, without doubt. I appreciate you so much for this!!!!! These recordings have been the hugest gift to me and I am so happy to have had this as a comfort, even healing, a way of shedding and really thinking about the woman I was born to be. Thank you for the best gift!