By the End of Goddess on Purpose DIY You Will...

  • Be crystal clear on your desires, vision, and mission in life 
  • Identify the direction that will light you up so you can chart a path forward
  • Know what makes you uniquely phenomenal and capable - your SuperPower strengths and talents and genius!
  • Be clear about your passions and what would make you excited to get out of bed each day!
  • Learn the 3 aspects of being a fulfilled woman and be able to create them ANY time in your life
  • Undergo a process to ensure you live without regrets
  • Flip any trauma you've had into triumph, pain into purpose, and be able to define the specific wisdom you have inside of you that others need
  • Have a clear PurposeGirl purpose statement that you can share with others and use to get a new job, get promoted, or start a business
  • Know how to move past blocks, fears, old stories and negativity so you can always move forward
  • Create a plan to move forward in a way that brings you pleasure, purpose and power
  • Be more confident in bringing your purpose to the world
  • Take inspired courageous actions toward your biggest dreams
  • Have a roadmap to create a life of JOY, FULFILLMENT, and PURPOSE!
Watch Intro Video

Welcome to Goddess on Purpose DIY

Introductory Video

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Goddess on Purpose

    2. Hopes and Desires

    3. What is a Goddess on Purpose?

    4. What is Purpose?

    5. Envision Your Future

    6. Challenge

    1. What is Inspiration?

    2. Why We Need Inspiration for Purpose

    3. Who Inspires You?

    4. YOU Are Inspiring!

    5. Challenge

    1. You Are Uniquely YOU

    2. What are SuperPowers? You Have Them!

    3. "Everyday" SuperSheroes

    4. Reclaiming Hidden SuperPowers

    5. You at Your Best

    6. Challenge

    1. Joy is a Feminine Goddess SuperPower

    2. Why Positivity Matters: The Science and Energy

    3. The Little Girl in You

    4. Goddess Sensual Pleasure

    5. Self-Love and Self-Celebration

    1. The Wise Woman in Us All

    2. Feel it All

    3. Post-Traumatic Growth

    4. Turn Pain into Purpose

    5. Challenge

    1. Discover Your Voice

    2. Self-Expression

    3. Overcome the Fear of Speaking

    4. Say it Sister!

    5. Challenge

About this course

  • $997.00
  • 42 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content

Here's What Goddess on Purpose Graduates are Saying...

The clarity of my purpose

by Eve J.

I’ve become even more in tune with myself and the clarity of my purpose has been bubbling up like crazy!!! I love how Carin encouraged me to celebrate myself in small and big ways! I have valued Goddess on Purpose very much. Thank you so much Carin!

Support, strength, and inspiration

Jennifer G.

Joining Carin's Goddess on Purpose program helped me go deep into who I am and why I'm uniquely qualified to live out my purpose and dreams! The content was authentic, the momentum to go after what I want strong. Thank you Carin and team for the support, strength, and inspiration!

Reclaimed my childhood dreams

Goldie S.

I am thankful to Carin Rockind. Without Goddess on Purpose, I could have never reclaimed my childhood dreams. And it's just the very beginning. More to come! I can see and hear “me” growing into my POWERS, more than ever before! Carin, I am so blessed to have you in my life.

Helped me find the courage to use my voice and speak up

Colleen O.

You and Goddess on Purpose helped me find the courage to use my voice and speak up for the things in this world that I feel strongly about. The series of topics including Vision, Inspiration, Super Powers, Voice, and Courage was incredibly powerful. You and the program helped me access these deep parts of myself and find the answers I needed to move forward with confidence - at the most challenging and unsettling time in my life.

Carin is amazing!

Anna F.

You won't regret joining Goddess on Purpose. You are so needed and this course will help you dive deep into your desires, passions, and ultimately, your purpose! Carin is amazing! She is such a positive light in this world. She inspires us by being her radiant, honest, funny, and kind self! She lifts you up and encourages you to dig deeper. She wants everyone to find their purpose and that is truly her purpose that she lives in such a beautiful and wise way that you want to be like her with others! I would highly recommend this course! You will learn so much about yourself and have an amazing coach!

Carin created such a tremendous and life changing experience

Katherine T.

I found Carin Rockind at a moment in time that was such an all-time low; the pandemic and quarantine, the shuttering of our society, loss of life, grief upon grief, working and schooling from home, living with constant concern for my beautiful and chronically ill daughter. I call Carin coming into my life a grace that came from tragedy. During Goddess on Purpose, with home coursework and fierce mentorship centered on deepening our focus, uncovering our true purpose, and guiding us toward deeper self-care, to empower ourselves and be a force in this world, Carin created such a tremendous and life changing experience, I’m still amazed. This was a life altering and heart opening experience, during a time when just getting out of bed was at times a challenge. We can do anything, goddesses. Take on an investment in yourself. It feels amazing!

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